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Christmas Nativity Plays

Christmas Play Tickets

The children from P1 to P3 will be performing their Christmas Nativity “Simply the Nativity”  on Wednesday 11th December.  They will have two performances; at 9.30am and at 6.30pm.  Tickets are available from the Office from Monday 18th November.  Tickets are priced at £3 each or £2 for senior citizens and children.


The children from P4 – P7 will be performing their Christmas Play “The Fleece Force”  on Tuesday 10th December.  They will also have two performances; at 9.30am and at 6.30pm.  Tickets are available from the Office from Monday 18th November.  Tickets are priced at £3 each or £2 for senior citizens and children.


***In the fairness of families availing of tickets each child will be entitled to two tickets per show that they are in.  These tickets will be sold from Monday 18th November to Friday 29th November.  From Monday 2nd December all remaining tickets will be put up for ‘general sale’***